Juice Diet: Day 5

Today is Day 5 of my juice diet! I am feeling energized and excited. Since Monday, I have lost 6 pounds!! I have also incorporated some great workout routines to my diet — thanks to Pinterest! I have also been using the My Fitness Pal app on my iPhone. Through the My Fitness Pal app you can create recipes, which is where I have been tracking about how many calories (and other nutrition info.) each juice contains. The My Fitness Pal app also helps you lose weight or maintain your current weight by keeping track of your weight, how many pounds you want to lose per week, and it gives you a goal for how many calories you can have per day. You can also scan food items for the exact nutrition info. They also have restaurant nutritional information. You can also put in your exercise information daily so that you can subtract calories.

For those of you who have not juiced before, it can be fairly expensive. The juicer itself can be expensive, I believe that I found a great juicer for a great price. Click here for the blog post where I have the link for my juicer and a lot of information for beginners who want to start juicing. Not only can a juicer be expensive, but buying all of the fruits and vegetables that you will need for your juices can be expensive too. I go grocery shopping every Sunday and I bought about 5 of each fruit and a few of each vegetable. I’m already running low on my ingredients and some of them I have used up completely.

Juicing definitely involves a lot of planning. This week, I created my juice recipes off of the top of my head the moment I wanted to make them. However, I already had an idea of what fruits and vegetables I like to use in my juices. If you’re new to juicing, research juice recipes (or my blog!) to see what kind of recipes you might like, what kind of fruit and vegetables you want to buy, and notice how much produce is used per juice. There’s a lot of produce used per juice!

However, despite the fairly expensive cost, juicing is very good for you. I am planning on doing a blog post soon that lists all of the benefits of juicing, and what else you can do with your juicer. So stay tuned!


"Fruit Punch Juice"

“Fruit Punch Juice”

“Fruit Punch Juice” Recipe:

  • 1 peach
  • 1 lemon
  • Half of a Granny Smith apple
  • Watermelon (*Note: watermelon is usually already cut up and in a container in our fridge, because I love it so much, so I’m not sure exactly how much watermelon I put in this juice. Therefore, put all of your other ingredients in first and then fill the rest of your glass with juiced watermelon until your glass is full!)


Day 5: Lunch

Day 5: Lunch


  • 2 Gala apples
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 4 medium carrots

I also had half of my chicken stuffed avocado recipe.

Stay tuned!

xoxo, Megan

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